Metric Cups Conversion

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Metric Cups


cup (metric)

Unit of:


Worldwide use:

Metric cups are a widely used unit of measurement in many countries around the world, particularly in the culinary field. In countries that have adopted the metric system, such as Australia, New Zealand, and many European nations, the metric cup is the standard unit for recipes and cooking measurements.


One metric cup is equivalent to 250 milliliters or 0.25 liters.


The origin of the metric cup can be traced back to the metric system, which was developed in France during the late 18th century. The metric system was created to establish a standardized system of measurement based on units of ten, making conversions between different units much simpler.

Usage context:

Metric cups are a commonly used unit of measurement in the culinary world, particularly in countries that have adopted the metric system. This standardized measurement helps ensure consistency in cooking and baking, especially when following recipes from different sources.