Metric Cups to Metric Teaspoons

Metric Cups to Metric Teaspoons conversion calculator

Metric Teaspoons to Metric Cups (Swap units)

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1cup metric = 50metric tsp

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

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Metric Cups to Metric Teaspoons conversion formula

Metric Teaspoons = Metric Cups * 50

Metric Cups to Metric Teaspoons calculation

Metric Teaspoons = Metric Cups * 50

Metric Teaspoons = 1 * 50

Metric Teaspoons = 50

Metric cups

Metric cups are used in cooking and baking to measure ingredients such as flour and sugar. One metric cup is 250 milliliters or a quarter of a liter.

Metric teaspoons

Metric teaspoons are units used for measuring small quantities of liquid or dry ingredients. One metric teaspoon is 5 milliliters.


Metric Cups to Metric Teaspoons table

Starting value
Metric Cups
Metric Teaspoons
0cup metric
0.00000metric tsp
1cup metric
50.00000metric tsp
2cup metric
100.00000metric tsp
3cup metric
150.00000metric tsp
4cup metric
200.00000metric tsp
5cup metric
250.00000metric tsp
6cup metric
300.00000metric tsp
7cup metric
350.00000metric tsp
8cup metric
400.00000metric tsp
9cup metric
450.00000metric tsp
10cup metric
500.00000metric tsp
11cup metric
550.00000metric tsp
12cup metric
600.00000metric tsp
13cup metric
650.00000metric tsp
14cup metric
700.00000metric tsp
15cup metric
750.00000metric tsp
16cup metric
800.00000metric tsp
17cup metric
850.00000metric tsp
18cup metric
900.00000metric tsp
19cup metric
950.00000metric tsp
Metric Cups
Metric Teaspoons
20cup metric
1,000.00000metric tsp
21cup metric
1,050.00000metric tsp
22cup metric
1,100.00000metric tsp
23cup metric
1,150.00000metric tsp
24cup metric
1,200.00000metric tsp
25cup metric
1,250.00000metric tsp
26cup metric
1,300.00000metric tsp
27cup metric
1,350.00000metric tsp
28cup metric
1,400.00000metric tsp
29cup metric
1,450.00000metric tsp
30cup metric
1,500.00000metric tsp
31cup metric
1,550.00000metric tsp
32cup metric
1,600.00000metric tsp
33cup metric
1,650.00000metric tsp
34cup metric
1,700.00000metric tsp
35cup metric
1,750.00000metric tsp
36cup metric
1,800.00000metric tsp
37cup metric
1,850.00000metric tsp
38cup metric
1,900.00000metric tsp
39cup metric
1,950.00000metric tsp
Metric Cups
Metric Teaspoons
40cup metric
2,000.00000metric tsp
41cup metric
2,050.00000metric tsp
42cup metric
2,100.00000metric tsp
43cup metric
2,150.00000metric tsp
44cup metric
2,200.00000metric tsp
45cup metric
2,250.00000metric tsp
46cup metric
2,300.00000metric tsp
47cup metric
2,350.00000metric tsp
48cup metric
2,400.00000metric tsp
49cup metric
2,450.00000metric tsp
50cup metric
2,500.00000metric tsp
51cup metric
2,550.00000metric tsp
52cup metric
2,600.00000metric tsp
53cup metric
2,650.00000metric tsp
54cup metric
2,700.00000metric tsp
55cup metric
2,750.00000metric tsp
56cup metric
2,800.00000metric tsp
57cup metric
2,850.00000metric tsp
58cup metric
2,900.00000metric tsp
59cup metric
2,950.00000metric tsp
Metric Cups
Metric Teaspoons
60cup metric
3,000.00000metric tsp
61cup metric
3,050.00000metric tsp
62cup metric
3,100.00000metric tsp
63cup metric
3,150.00000metric tsp
64cup metric
3,200.00000metric tsp
65cup metric
3,250.00000metric tsp
66cup metric
3,300.00000metric tsp
67cup metric
3,350.00000metric tsp
68cup metric
3,400.00000metric tsp
69cup metric
3,450.00000metric tsp
70cup metric
3,500.00000metric tsp
71cup metric
3,550.00000metric tsp
72cup metric
3,600.00000metric tsp
73cup metric
3,650.00000metric tsp
74cup metric
3,700.00000metric tsp
75cup metric
3,750.00000metric tsp
76cup metric
3,800.00000metric tsp
77cup metric
3,850.00000metric tsp
78cup metric
3,900.00000metric tsp
79cup metric
3,950.00000metric tsp