US Fluid Ounces to Metric Teaspoons

US Fluid Ounces to Metric Teaspoons conversion calculator

Metric Teaspoons to US Fluid Ounces (Swap units)

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1us fl oz = 5.91471metric tsp

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

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US Fluid Ounces to Metric Teaspoons conversion formula

Metric Teaspoons = US Fluid Ounces * 5.91470988

US Fluid Ounces to Metric Teaspoons calculation

Metric Teaspoons = US Fluid Ounces * 5.91470988

Metric Teaspoons = 1 * 5.9147098834802

Metric Teaspoons = 5.91471

US fluid ounces

A US fluid ounces (sometimes referred to simply as an ounce) is a unit of volume used in the United States to measure liquids. One US fluid ounce is about 0.0296 liters.

Metric teaspoons

Metric teaspoons are units used for measuring small quantities of liquid or dry ingredients. One metric teaspoon is 5 milliliters.


US Fluid Ounces to Metric Teaspoons table

Starting value
US Fluid Ounces
Metric Teaspoons
0us fl oz
0.00000metric tsp
1us fl oz
5.91471metric tsp
2us fl oz
11.82942metric tsp
3us fl oz
17.74413metric tsp
4us fl oz
23.65884metric tsp
5us fl oz
29.57355metric tsp
6us fl oz
35.48826metric tsp
7us fl oz
41.40297metric tsp
8us fl oz
47.31768metric tsp
9us fl oz
53.23239metric tsp
10us fl oz
59.14710metric tsp
11us fl oz
65.06181metric tsp
12us fl oz
70.97652metric tsp
13us fl oz
76.89123metric tsp
14us fl oz
82.80594metric tsp
15us fl oz
88.72065metric tsp
16us fl oz
94.63536metric tsp
17us fl oz
100.55007metric tsp
18us fl oz
106.46478metric tsp
19us fl oz
112.37949metric tsp
US Fluid Ounces
Metric Teaspoons
20us fl oz
118.29420metric tsp
21us fl oz
124.20891metric tsp
22us fl oz
130.12362metric tsp
23us fl oz
136.03833metric tsp
24us fl oz
141.95304metric tsp
25us fl oz
147.86775metric tsp
26us fl oz
153.78246metric tsp
27us fl oz
159.69717metric tsp
28us fl oz
165.61188metric tsp
29us fl oz
171.52659metric tsp
30us fl oz
177.44130metric tsp
31us fl oz
183.35601metric tsp
32us fl oz
189.27072metric tsp
33us fl oz
195.18543metric tsp
34us fl oz
201.10014metric tsp
35us fl oz
207.01485metric tsp
36us fl oz
212.92956metric tsp
37us fl oz
218.84427metric tsp
38us fl oz
224.75898metric tsp
39us fl oz
230.67369metric tsp
US Fluid Ounces
Metric Teaspoons
40us fl oz
236.58840metric tsp
41us fl oz
242.50311metric tsp
42us fl oz
248.41782metric tsp
43us fl oz
254.33252metric tsp
44us fl oz
260.24723metric tsp
45us fl oz
266.16194metric tsp
46us fl oz
272.07665metric tsp
47us fl oz
277.99136metric tsp
48us fl oz
283.90607metric tsp
49us fl oz
289.82078metric tsp
50us fl oz
295.73549metric tsp
51us fl oz
301.65020metric tsp
52us fl oz
307.56491metric tsp
53us fl oz
313.47962metric tsp
54us fl oz
319.39433metric tsp
55us fl oz
325.30904metric tsp
56us fl oz
331.22375metric tsp
57us fl oz
337.13846metric tsp
58us fl oz
343.05317metric tsp
59us fl oz
348.96788metric tsp
US Fluid Ounces
Metric Teaspoons
60us fl oz
354.88259metric tsp
61us fl oz
360.79730metric tsp
62us fl oz
366.71201metric tsp
63us fl oz
372.62672metric tsp
64us fl oz
378.54143metric tsp
65us fl oz
384.45614metric tsp
66us fl oz
390.37085metric tsp
67us fl oz
396.28556metric tsp
68us fl oz
402.20027metric tsp
69us fl oz
408.11498metric tsp
70us fl oz
414.02969metric tsp
71us fl oz
419.94440metric tsp
72us fl oz
425.85911metric tsp
73us fl oz
431.77382metric tsp
74us fl oz
437.68853metric tsp
75us fl oz
443.60324metric tsp
76us fl oz
449.51795metric tsp
77us fl oz
455.43266metric tsp
78us fl oz
461.34737metric tsp
79us fl oz
467.26208metric tsp