Metric Teaspoons to US Fluid Ounces

Metric Teaspoons to US Fluid Ounces conversion calculator

US Fluid Ounces to Metric Teaspoons (Swap units)

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1metric tsp = 0.16907us fl oz

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

Metric Teaspoons to US Fluid Ounces conversion formula

US Fluid Ounces = Metric Teaspoons / 5.91470988

Metric Teaspoons to US Fluid Ounces calculation

US Fluid Ounces = Metric Teaspoons / 5.91470988

US Fluid Ounces = 1 / 5.9147098834802

US Fluid Ounces = 0.16907

Metric teaspoons

Metric teaspoons are units used for measuring small quantities of liquid or dry ingredients. One metric teaspoon is 5 milliliters.

US fluid ounces

A US fluid ounces (sometimes referred to simply as an ounce) is a unit of volume used in the United States to measure liquids. One US fluid ounce is about 0.0296 liters.


Metric Teaspoons to US Fluid Ounces table

Starting value
Metric Teaspoons
US Fluid Ounces
0metric tsp
0.00000us fl oz
1metric tsp
0.16907us fl oz
2metric tsp
0.33814us fl oz
3metric tsp
0.50721us fl oz
4metric tsp
0.67628us fl oz
5metric tsp
0.84535us fl oz
6metric tsp
1.01442us fl oz
7metric tsp
1.18349us fl oz
8metric tsp
1.35256us fl oz
9metric tsp
1.52163us fl oz
10metric tsp
1.69070us fl oz
11metric tsp
1.85977us fl oz
12metric tsp
2.02884us fl oz
13metric tsp
2.19791us fl oz
14metric tsp
2.36698us fl oz
15metric tsp
2.53605us fl oz
16metric tsp
2.70512us fl oz
17metric tsp
2.87419us fl oz
18metric tsp
3.04326us fl oz
19metric tsp
3.21233us fl oz
Metric Teaspoons
US Fluid Ounces
20metric tsp
3.38140us fl oz
21metric tsp
3.55047us fl oz
22metric tsp
3.71954us fl oz
23metric tsp
3.88861us fl oz
24metric tsp
4.05768us fl oz
25metric tsp
4.22675us fl oz
26metric tsp
4.39582us fl oz
27metric tsp
4.56489us fl oz
28metric tsp
4.73396us fl oz
29metric tsp
4.90303us fl oz
30metric tsp
5.07210us fl oz
31metric tsp
5.24117us fl oz
32metric tsp
5.41024us fl oz
33metric tsp
5.57931us fl oz
34metric tsp
5.74838us fl oz
35metric tsp
5.91745us fl oz
36metric tsp
6.08652us fl oz
37metric tsp
6.25559us fl oz
38metric tsp
6.42466us fl oz
39metric tsp
6.59373us fl oz
Metric Teaspoons
US Fluid Ounces
40metric tsp
6.76280us fl oz
41metric tsp
6.93187us fl oz
42metric tsp
7.10094us fl oz
43metric tsp
7.27001us fl oz
44metric tsp
7.43908us fl oz
45metric tsp
7.60815us fl oz
46metric tsp
7.77722us fl oz
47metric tsp
7.94629us fl oz
48metric tsp
8.11536us fl oz
49metric tsp
8.28443us fl oz
50metric tsp
8.45350us fl oz
51metric tsp
8.62257us fl oz
52metric tsp
8.79164us fl oz
53metric tsp
8.96071us fl oz
54metric tsp
9.12978us fl oz
55metric tsp
9.29885us fl oz
56metric tsp
9.46792us fl oz
57metric tsp
9.63699us fl oz
58metric tsp
9.80606us fl oz
59metric tsp
9.97513us fl oz
Metric Teaspoons
US Fluid Ounces
60metric tsp
10.14420us fl oz
61metric tsp
10.31327us fl oz
62metric tsp
10.48234us fl oz
63metric tsp
10.65141us fl oz
64metric tsp
10.82048us fl oz
65metric tsp
10.98955us fl oz
66metric tsp
11.15862us fl oz
67metric tsp
11.32769us fl oz
68metric tsp
11.49676us fl oz
69metric tsp
11.66583us fl oz
70metric tsp
11.83490us fl oz
71metric tsp
12.00397us fl oz
72metric tsp
12.17304us fl oz
73metric tsp
12.34211us fl oz
74metric tsp
12.51118us fl oz
75metric tsp
12.68025us fl oz
76metric tsp
12.84932us fl oz
77metric tsp
13.01839us fl oz
78metric tsp
13.18746us fl oz
79metric tsp
13.35653us fl oz