How to convert 6 Stones to Kilograms
Multiply the Stones value by the Stones to Kilograms conversion factor: 6 * 6.3502949712014 = 38.10177
For more information please visit: Stones to Kilograms
What is a stone?
A stone is a unit of weight commonly used in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It is equal to 14 pounds or approximately 6.35 kilograms. The stone is often used to measure the weight of a person or animals, as well as for certain goods such as fruit and vegetables. While not an official metric unit, the stone is still widely used in everyday life in these countries.
We provide a calculator on this site to convert stones to kilograms.
What is a kilogram?
A kilogram is metric unit of weight subdivided into 1,000 grams. The base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI) is a kilogram and not, as is quite often mistaken, the gram.
One liter of water weighs 1kg.