US Barrels (Liquid) to US Gills

US Barrels (Liquid) to US Gills conversion calculator

US Gills to US Barrels (Liquid) (Swap units)

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1US bbl lqd = 1008.00104US gi

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

US Barrels (Liquid) to US Gills conversion formula

US Gills = US Barrels (Liquid) * 1008.00103978

US Barrels (Liquid) to US Gills calculation

US Gills = US Barrels (Liquid) * 1008.00103978

US Gills = 1 * 1008.0010397774

US Gills = 1008.00104

US Liquid Barrels

A US liquid barrel is a volume unit used in the United States to measure the volume of liquids. One US liquid barrel is equivalent to 31.5 US gallons or about 119.24 liters.

To convert this unit please visit: US liquid barrel conversions.

Note that there are many types of barrel so be sure to choose the correct one for your needs.

US gills

A US gill is a unit of volume in the United States used for measuring liquids. One US gill is 1/4 of a US pint or 118.294 milliliters.


US Barrels (Liquid) to US Gills table

Starting value
US Barrels (Liquid)
US Gills
0US bbl lqd
0.00000US gi
1US bbl lqd
1,008.00104US gi
2US bbl lqd
2,016.00208US gi
3US bbl lqd
3,024.00312US gi
4US bbl lqd
4,032.00416US gi
5US bbl lqd
5,040.00520US gi
6US bbl lqd
6,048.00624US gi
7US bbl lqd
7,056.00728US gi
8US bbl lqd
8,064.00832US gi
9US bbl lqd
9,072.00936US gi
10US bbl lqd
10,080.01040US gi
11US bbl lqd
11,088.01144US gi
12US bbl lqd
12,096.01248US gi
13US bbl lqd
13,104.01352US gi
14US bbl lqd
14,112.01456US gi
15US bbl lqd
15,120.01560US gi
16US bbl lqd
16,128.01664US gi
17US bbl lqd
17,136.01768US gi
18US bbl lqd
18,144.01872US gi
19US bbl lqd
19,152.01976US gi
US Barrels (Liquid)
US Gills
20US bbl lqd
20,160.02080US gi
21US bbl lqd
21,168.02184US gi
22US bbl lqd
22,176.02288US gi
23US bbl lqd
23,184.02391US gi
24US bbl lqd
24,192.02495US gi
25US bbl lqd
25,200.02599US gi
26US bbl lqd
26,208.02703US gi
27US bbl lqd
27,216.02807US gi
28US bbl lqd
28,224.02911US gi
29US bbl lqd
29,232.03015US gi
30US bbl lqd
30,240.03119US gi
31US bbl lqd
31,248.03223US gi
32US bbl lqd
32,256.03327US gi
33US bbl lqd
33,264.03431US gi
34US bbl lqd
34,272.03535US gi
35US bbl lqd
35,280.03639US gi
36US bbl lqd
36,288.03743US gi
37US bbl lqd
37,296.03847US gi
38US bbl lqd
38,304.03951US gi
39US bbl lqd
39,312.04055US gi
US Barrels (Liquid)
US Gills
40US bbl lqd
40,320.04159US gi
41US bbl lqd
41,328.04263US gi
42US bbl lqd
42,336.04367US gi
43US bbl lqd
43,344.04471US gi
44US bbl lqd
44,352.04575US gi
45US bbl lqd
45,360.04679US gi
46US bbl lqd
46,368.04783US gi
47US bbl lqd
47,376.04887US gi
48US bbl lqd
48,384.04991US gi
49US bbl lqd
49,392.05095US gi
50US bbl lqd
50,400.05199US gi
51US bbl lqd
51,408.05303US gi
52US bbl lqd
52,416.05407US gi
53US bbl lqd
53,424.05511US gi
54US bbl lqd
54,432.05615US gi
55US bbl lqd
55,440.05719US gi
56US bbl lqd
56,448.05823US gi
57US bbl lqd
57,456.05927US gi
58US bbl lqd
58,464.06031US gi
59US bbl lqd
59,472.06135US gi
US Barrels (Liquid)
US Gills
60US bbl lqd
60,480.06239US gi
61US bbl lqd
61,488.06343US gi
62US bbl lqd
62,496.06447US gi
63US bbl lqd
63,504.06551US gi
64US bbl lqd
64,512.06655US gi
65US bbl lqd
65,520.06759US gi
66US bbl lqd
66,528.06863US gi
67US bbl lqd
67,536.06967US gi
68US bbl lqd
68,544.07070US gi
69US bbl lqd
69,552.07174US gi
70US bbl lqd
70,560.07278US gi
71US bbl lqd
71,568.07382US gi
72US bbl lqd
72,576.07486US gi
73US bbl lqd
73,584.07590US gi
74US bbl lqd
74,592.07694US gi
75US bbl lqd
75,600.07798US gi
76US bbl lqd
76,608.07902US gi
77US bbl lqd
77,616.08006US gi
78US bbl lqd
78,624.08110US gi
79US bbl lqd
79,632.08214US gi