US Barrels (Federal) to Metric Cups

US Barrels (Federal) to Metric Cups conversion calculator

Metric Cups to US Barrels (Federal) (Swap units)

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1US bbl fed = 469.39101cup metric

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

US Barrels (Federal) to Metric Cups conversion formula

Metric Cups = US Barrels (Federal) * 469.3910121

US Barrels (Federal) to Metric Cups calculation

Metric Cups = US Barrels (Federal) * 469.3910121

Metric Cups = 1 * 469.3910121009

Metric Cups = 469.39101

US federal barrels

A Federal US Barrel is 31 gallons which is about 117.35 liters. This unit is normally used for apples, potatoes and other agricultural products.

Metric cups

Metric cups are used in cooking and baking to measure ingredients such as flour and sugar. One metric cup is 250 milliliters or a quarter of a liter.


US Barrels (Federal) to Metric Cups table

Starting value
US Barrels (Federal)
Metric Cups
0US bbl fed
0.00000cup metric
1US bbl fed
469.39101cup metric
2US bbl fed
938.78202cup metric
3US bbl fed
1,408.17304cup metric
4US bbl fed
1,877.56405cup metric
5US bbl fed
2,346.95506cup metric
6US bbl fed
2,816.34607cup metric
7US bbl fed
3,285.73708cup metric
8US bbl fed
3,755.12810cup metric
9US bbl fed
4,224.51911cup metric
10US bbl fed
4,693.91012cup metric
11US bbl fed
5,163.30113cup metric
12US bbl fed
5,632.69215cup metric
13US bbl fed
6,102.08316cup metric
14US bbl fed
6,571.47417cup metric
15US bbl fed
7,040.86518cup metric
16US bbl fed
7,510.25619cup metric
17US bbl fed
7,979.64721cup metric
18US bbl fed
8,449.03822cup metric
19US bbl fed
8,918.42923cup metric
US Barrels (Federal)
Metric Cups
20US bbl fed
9,387.82024cup metric
21US bbl fed
9,857.21125cup metric
22US bbl fed
10,326.60227cup metric
23US bbl fed
10,795.99328cup metric
24US bbl fed
11,265.38429cup metric
25US bbl fed
11,734.77530cup metric
26US bbl fed
12,204.16631cup metric
27US bbl fed
12,673.55733cup metric
28US bbl fed
13,142.94834cup metric
29US bbl fed
13,612.33935cup metric
30US bbl fed
14,081.73036cup metric
31US bbl fed
14,551.12138cup metric
32US bbl fed
15,020.51239cup metric
33US bbl fed
15,489.90340cup metric
34US bbl fed
15,959.29441cup metric
35US bbl fed
16,428.68542cup metric
36US bbl fed
16,898.07644cup metric
37US bbl fed
17,367.46745cup metric
38US bbl fed
17,836.85846cup metric
39US bbl fed
18,306.24947cup metric
US Barrels (Federal)
Metric Cups
40US bbl fed
18,775.64048cup metric
41US bbl fed
19,245.03150cup metric
42US bbl fed
19,714.42251cup metric
43US bbl fed
20,183.81352cup metric
44US bbl fed
20,653.20453cup metric
45US bbl fed
21,122.59554cup metric
46US bbl fed
21,591.98656cup metric
47US bbl fed
22,061.37757cup metric
48US bbl fed
22,530.76858cup metric
49US bbl fed
23,000.15959cup metric
50US bbl fed
23,469.55061cup metric
51US bbl fed
23,938.94162cup metric
52US bbl fed
24,408.33263cup metric
53US bbl fed
24,877.72364cup metric
54US bbl fed
25,347.11465cup metric
55US bbl fed
25,816.50567cup metric
56US bbl fed
26,285.89668cup metric
57US bbl fed
26,755.28769cup metric
58US bbl fed
27,224.67870cup metric
59US bbl fed
27,694.06971cup metric
US Barrels (Federal)
Metric Cups
60US bbl fed
28,163.46073cup metric
61US bbl fed
28,632.85174cup metric
62US bbl fed
29,102.24275cup metric
63US bbl fed
29,571.63376cup metric
64US bbl fed
30,041.02477cup metric
65US bbl fed
30,510.41579cup metric
66US bbl fed
30,979.80680cup metric
67US bbl fed
31,449.19781cup metric
68US bbl fed
31,918.58882cup metric
69US bbl fed
32,387.97983cup metric
70US bbl fed
32,857.37085cup metric
71US bbl fed
33,326.76186cup metric
72US bbl fed
33,796.15287cup metric
73US bbl fed
34,265.54388cup metric
74US bbl fed
34,734.93490cup metric
75US bbl fed
35,204.32591cup metric
76US bbl fed
35,673.71692cup metric
77US bbl fed
36,143.10793cup metric
78US bbl fed
36,612.49894cup metric
79US bbl fed
37,081.88996cup metric