US Cups to US Barrels (Liquid)

US Cups to US Barrels (Liquid) conversion calculator

US Barrels (Liquid) to US Cups (Swap units)

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1cup US = 0.00198US bbl lqd

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

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US Cups to US Barrels (Liquid) conversion formula

US Barrels (Liquid) = US Cups / 503.99923392

US Cups to US Barrels (Liquid) calculation

US Barrels (Liquid) = US Cups / 503.99923392

US Barrels (Liquid) = 1 / 503.99992368606

US Barrels (Liquid) = 0.00198

US cups

A US cup is a common unit of measurement in the United States for cooking and baking. One US cup is about 0.236588 liters and is often used to measure ingredients in recipes.

US Liquid Barrels

A US liquid barrel is a volume unit used in the United States to measure the volume of liquids. One US liquid barrel is equivalent to 31.5 US gallons or about 119.24 liters.

To convert this unit please visit: US liquid barrel conversions.

Note that there are many types of barrel so be sure to choose the correct one for your needs.


US Cups to US Barrels (Liquid) table

Starting value
US Cups
US Barrels (Liquid)
0cup US
0.00000US bbl lqd
1cup US
0.00198US bbl lqd
2cup US
0.00397US bbl lqd
3cup US
0.00595US bbl lqd
4cup US
0.00794US bbl lqd
5cup US
0.00992US bbl lqd
6cup US
0.01190US bbl lqd
7cup US
0.01389US bbl lqd
8cup US
0.01587US bbl lqd
9cup US
0.01786US bbl lqd
10cup US
0.01984US bbl lqd
11cup US
0.02183US bbl lqd
12cup US
0.02381US bbl lqd
13cup US
0.02579US bbl lqd
14cup US
0.02778US bbl lqd
15cup US
0.02976US bbl lqd
16cup US
0.03175US bbl lqd
17cup US
0.03373US bbl lqd
18cup US
0.03571US bbl lqd
19cup US
0.03770US bbl lqd
US Cups
US Barrels (Liquid)
20cup US
0.03968US bbl lqd
21cup US
0.04167US bbl lqd
22cup US
0.04365US bbl lqd
23cup US
0.04563US bbl lqd
24cup US
0.04762US bbl lqd
25cup US
0.04960US bbl lqd
26cup US
0.05159US bbl lqd
27cup US
0.05357US bbl lqd
28cup US
0.05556US bbl lqd
29cup US
0.05754US bbl lqd
30cup US
0.05952US bbl lqd
31cup US
0.06151US bbl lqd
32cup US
0.06349US bbl lqd
33cup US
0.06548US bbl lqd
34cup US
0.06746US bbl lqd
35cup US
0.06944US bbl lqd
36cup US
0.07143US bbl lqd
37cup US
0.07341US bbl lqd
38cup US
0.07540US bbl lqd
39cup US
0.07738US bbl lqd
US Cups
US Barrels (Liquid)
40cup US
0.07937US bbl lqd
41cup US
0.08135US bbl lqd
42cup US
0.08333US bbl lqd
43cup US
0.08532US bbl lqd
44cup US
0.08730US bbl lqd
45cup US
0.08929US bbl lqd
46cup US
0.09127US bbl lqd
47cup US
0.09325US bbl lqd
48cup US
0.09524US bbl lqd
49cup US
0.09722US bbl lqd
50cup US
0.09921US bbl lqd
51cup US
0.10119US bbl lqd
52cup US
0.10317US bbl lqd
53cup US
0.10516US bbl lqd
54cup US
0.10714US bbl lqd
55cup US
0.10913US bbl lqd
56cup US
0.11111US bbl lqd
57cup US
0.11310US bbl lqd
58cup US
0.11508US bbl lqd
59cup US
0.11706US bbl lqd
US Cups
US Barrels (Liquid)
60cup US
0.11905US bbl lqd
61cup US
0.12103US bbl lqd
62cup US
0.12302US bbl lqd
63cup US
0.12500US bbl lqd
64cup US
0.12698US bbl lqd
65cup US
0.12897US bbl lqd
66cup US
0.13095US bbl lqd
67cup US
0.13294US bbl lqd
68cup US
0.13492US bbl lqd
69cup US
0.13690US bbl lqd
70cup US
0.13889US bbl lqd
71cup US
0.14087US bbl lqd
72cup US
0.14286US bbl lqd
73cup US
0.14484US bbl lqd
74cup US
0.14683US bbl lqd
75cup US
0.14881US bbl lqd
76cup US
0.15079US bbl lqd
77cup US
0.15278US bbl lqd
78cup US
0.15476US bbl lqd
79cup US
0.15675US bbl lqd