UK Tablespoons to Metric Cups

UK Tablespoons to Metric Cups conversion calculator

Metric Cups to UK Tablespoons (Swap units)

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1UK tblsp = 0.05683cup metric

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

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UK Tablespoons to Metric Cups conversion formula

Metric Cups = UK Tablespoons / 17.59752593

UK Tablespoons to Metric Cups calculation

Metric Cups = UK Tablespoons / 17.59752593

Metric Cups = 1 / 17.597525

Metric Cups = 0.05683

UK tablespoons

A UK tablespoon is a unit used in the United Kingdom for cooking and baking purposes. The UK tablespoon is aligned to the metric system at 15 milliliters.

Metric cups

Metric cups are used in cooking and baking to measure ingredients such as flour and sugar. One metric cup is 250 milliliters or a quarter of a liter.


UK Tablespoons to Metric Cups table

Starting value
UK Tablespoons
Metric Cups
0UK tblsp
0.00000cup metric
1UK tblsp
0.05683cup metric
2UK tblsp
0.11365cup metric
3UK tblsp
0.17048cup metric
4UK tblsp
0.22730cup metric
5UK tblsp
0.28413cup metric
6UK tblsp
0.34096cup metric
7UK tblsp
0.39778cup metric
8UK tblsp
0.45461cup metric
9UK tblsp
0.51144cup metric
10UK tblsp
0.56826cup metric
11UK tblsp
0.62509cup metric
12UK tblsp
0.68191cup metric
13UK tblsp
0.73874cup metric
14UK tblsp
0.79557cup metric
15UK tblsp
0.85239cup metric
16UK tblsp
0.90922cup metric
17UK tblsp
0.96604cup metric
18UK tblsp
1.02287cup metric
19UK tblsp
1.07970cup metric
UK Tablespoons
Metric Cups
20UK tblsp
1.13652cup metric
21UK tblsp
1.19335cup metric
22UK tblsp
1.25018cup metric
23UK tblsp
1.30700cup metric
24UK tblsp
1.36383cup metric
25UK tblsp
1.42065cup metric
26UK tblsp
1.47748cup metric
27UK tblsp
1.53431cup metric
28UK tblsp
1.59113cup metric
29UK tblsp
1.64796cup metric
30UK tblsp
1.70479cup metric
31UK tblsp
1.76161cup metric
32UK tblsp
1.81844cup metric
33UK tblsp
1.87526cup metric
34UK tblsp
1.93209cup metric
35UK tblsp
1.98892cup metric
36UK tblsp
2.04574cup metric
37UK tblsp
2.10257cup metric
38UK tblsp
2.15939cup metric
39UK tblsp
2.21622cup metric
UK Tablespoons
Metric Cups
40UK tblsp
2.27305cup metric
41UK tblsp
2.32987cup metric
42UK tblsp
2.38670cup metric
43UK tblsp
2.44353cup metric
44UK tblsp
2.50035cup metric
45UK tblsp
2.55718cup metric
46UK tblsp
2.61400cup metric
47UK tblsp
2.67083cup metric
48UK tblsp
2.72766cup metric
49UK tblsp
2.78448cup metric
50UK tblsp
2.84131cup metric
51UK tblsp
2.89813cup metric
52UK tblsp
2.95496cup metric
53UK tblsp
3.01179cup metric
54UK tblsp
3.06861cup metric
55UK tblsp
3.12544cup metric
56UK tblsp
3.18227cup metric
57UK tblsp
3.23909cup metric
58UK tblsp
3.29592cup metric
59UK tblsp
3.35274cup metric
UK Tablespoons
Metric Cups
60UK tblsp
3.40957cup metric
61UK tblsp
3.46640cup metric
62UK tblsp
3.52322cup metric
63UK tblsp
3.58005cup metric
64UK tblsp
3.63688cup metric
65UK tblsp
3.69370cup metric
66UK tblsp
3.75053cup metric
67UK tblsp
3.80735cup metric
68UK tblsp
3.86418cup metric
69UK tblsp
3.92101cup metric
70UK tblsp
3.97783cup metric
71UK tblsp
4.03466cup metric
72UK tblsp
4.09148cup metric
73UK tblsp
4.14831cup metric
74UK tblsp
4.20514cup metric
75UK tblsp
4.26196cup metric
76UK tblsp
4.31879cup metric
77UK tblsp
4.37562cup metric
78UK tblsp
4.43244cup metric
79UK tblsp
4.48927cup metric