UK Barrels
A UK barrel is 36 imperial gallons (not to be confused with American gallons), about 163.659 liters or 0.163659 cubic meters. It is based on the traditional wine barrel used in the United Kingdom.
A Milliliter is a metric volume unit equal to one-thousandth of a liter. It is generally used to measure very small amounts of liquid in cooking or medication. For example, a standard teaspoon is about 5 ml.
When converting volume measurements, be sure to remember that the dimensions are cubed and so doubling the sides of a cube will increase the volume by a factor of eight. To make conversions easier, please use our conversion calculators such as the one on this page and refer to the calculation underneath if you want to understand how the conversion is calculated. To select your required conversion please start here: Milliliters conversion.
Milliliters as a measurement unit can be traced back to the French revolution and the start of the metric system. Metric measurements created a standardized and decimal system of measures that would be easy to use.