Microliters are a unit of volume in the metric system used to measure very small amounts of liquid. One microliter is equal to one millionth of a liter. This tiny unit of measurement is often denoted by the symbol μL. To put it into perspective, a single drop of water is roughly equivalent to about 50 microliters.
It is important to note that there are different types of barrels used for different purposes:
The US liquid barrel is defined as 31.5 US liquid gallons, which is equivalent to about 119 liters: US liquid barrel
One US dry barrel is equivalent to 115.628 liters: US dry barrel
One oil barrel equaling approximately 42 US gallons or 159 liters: US Oil barrel
A Federal US Barrel typically contains 31 gallons, which is equivalent to approximately 117.35 liters: US federal barrel
One UK barrel is equivalent to around 164 liters: UK barrel