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Please select a unit of length measurement from the list below for conversions to and from this unit.

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metric units

Unit Abbreviation Description
Parsecs conversion Pec distance at which an object would have a parallax of one arc second. Equals approximately 3.26 light years or about 206,265 astronomical units.
Lightyears conversion LY A lightyear is the distance that light travels in one year. Since there are various definitions for the length of a year, there are correspondingly slightly different values for a lightyear. One lightyear corresponds to about 9.461e15 m, 5.879e12 mi, or 63239.7 AU, or 0.3066 pc.
Kilometers conversion km (European spelling: kilometre) One kilometer is equivalent to 1,000 meters or 0.62 miles
Meters conversion m (European spelling: metre) A metric unit of measure that equals 39.37 inches.
Decimeters conversion dm (European spelling: decimetre) a metric unit of length equal to one tenth of a meter
Centimeters conversion cm (European spelling: centimetre) A measure of length. 2.5cm is approximately an inch. A metric unit of measurement.
Millimeters conversion mm (European spelling: millimetre) One thousandth of one meter or 0.0394 inches.
Micrometer conversion micrometer 1/1000000th of a meter. Also known as a Micron
Micron conversion micron 1/1000000th of a meter. Also known as a Micrometer

english/ imperial units

Unit Abbreviation Description
UK Nautical Miles conversion n.m. (UK) Nautical miles measure distance. 1 nautical mile is the angular distance of 1 minute of arc on the earth's surface. As these differ slightly (6108' at pole c.f. 6046' at equator) 6080 was adopted (this being it's approximate value in the English Channel). The International nautical mile is 1852 metres, so is very slightly different from the UK nautical mile.
Miles conversion mi. a unit of length equal to 1760 yards
Furlongs conversion furlong a unit of length equal to 220 yards still used widley in horse racing
Chains conversion chain Unit of length equal to 66 feet, used especially in the U.S. public land surveys. The original measuring instrument (Gunter's chain) was literally a chain consisting of 100 iron links, each 7.92 inches long. Steel-ribbon tapes began to supersede chains around 1900, but surveying tapes are often still called "chains" and measuring with a tape is often called "chaining". The chain is a convenient unit in cadastral surveys because 10 square chains equal 1 acre.
Yards conversion yrd a unit of length equal to 3 feet; defined as 91.44 centimeters; originally taken to be the average length of a stride
Feet conversion ft a linear unit of length equal to 12 inches or a third of a yard
Inches conversion in a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot
US Leagues conversion us leaguge A unit of distance equal to 3.0 statute miles (4.8 kilometers). Note that there also Nautical Leagues, UK Leagues and UK Nautical Leagues which all differ.
Nautical Leagues conversion us-leagues A nautical league was 6,080 yards - or three nautical miles (each league being 6,080 feet). Note that there also US Leagues, UK Leagues and UK Nautical Leagues which all differ.
Microinches conversion micro in One thousand micro inches make up an inch.
US Nautical Miles conversion n.m. (US) A unit of length used in marine navigation that is equal to a minute of arc of a great circle on a sphere. One international nautical mile is equivalent to 1,852 meters or 1.151 statue miles. Please not that this is different to a UK Nautical mile.
Nautical Miles conversion n.m. A unit of length used in marine navigation that is equal to a minute of arc of a great circle on a sphere. One international nautical mile is equivalent to 1,852 meters or 1.151 statue miles. Please not that this is different to a UK Nautical mile.
UK Leagues conversion uk leagues Note that UK leagues differ from Nautical Leagues, UK Nautical Leagues and US Leagues.
UK Nautical Leagues conversion uk nautical leagues Note that UK leagues differ from Nautical Leagues, UK Leagues and US Leagues.


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